About us
Our work and research areas. Contact information
Clinical Treatment
We see around 1000 patients each year with physical and mental symptoms and diseases related to their work.
We guide our patients on how to avoid harmful exposures and, if they are on sick leave, we help them safely back to the labour market. We also aim to help employers and decision makers create healthy and sound working environments.
Research areas 2024-2029:
Find our publications (links to PURE, an Aarhus University-database)
We are afiliated with both Gødstrup Hospital and Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University
We cooperate with more than 30 national and international research institutions
Our methods vary: registerbased studies, surveys, work place interventions, interviews and observational studies.
Our professional backgrounds vary: medicine, public health, psychology, sociology and etnography
Contact us
We would love to hear from you! We continuously look for new ideas, colleagues and business partners – maybe we could work with you?
Marianne Kyndi, clinical director
Phone +45 3052 7730
E-mail: makynd@rm.dk
Kent J. Nielsen, ass. manager, senior researcher
Phone: +45 23671399
E-mail: kennie@rm.dk
Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Gødstrup Hospital
Hospitalsparken 15, Corridor C, Floor 0, Waiting area 36
DK-7400 Herning
Map of Gødstrup Hospital: Find us at Corridor C, Flor 0, Waiting area 36